Photography & Videography
It is extremely important that organisations such as Sports Nut, have in place a photography and videography policy, outlining how images of children and young people can be used. Images and Videos are often used in publications, on our website, in marketing campaigns and on social networking sites. This policy should be used to help children, parents, staff and volunteers understand how photographs can be stored and shared more safely, alongside our Safeguarding Policy.
Why this document exists
It is of the utmost importance that our Sports Nut coaches, customers and children are protected from image misuse.
Policy Scope
This policy applies to all customers, staff, contractors and volunteers at Sports Nut who capture images and videos on any device.
Images and videos captured may be used in the following capacities;
• Video Analysis during session
• Photo Analysis during sessions
• Sports Nut’s website
• Sports Nut display boards
• Marketing publications
• School publication (inc. brochures)
• News outlets
• YouTube
Image/Video Capture Policy
The following policy applies to image and video capture at Sports Nut activities;
1. Parents and Carers watching Sports Nut activities at any location, are NOT permitted to take photos or videos of their or other’s children, with the exception of sport or swimming parties (where attendees are governed by the parent), and large sporting events (such as GoTri) where they will be required to sign a permission form and wear an identifying sticker provided by Sports Nut. Permission of all children featured in the video or photo should be gained, prior to sharing on Social Media platforms.
2. Sports Nut coaches and changing room supervisors are permitted to take photos and videos during Sports Nut sessions, for the purposes of video analysis and technique feedback, as well as, ‘Swimmer of the Week’ photos. These will be taken on Sports Nut devices only.
3. Sports Nut Approved Photographers will wear a lanyard, identifying them as such, and use Sports Nut equipment to capture images.
4. External Photographers will only be permitted with the expressed permission of Sports Nut and accompanied by Sports Nut staff at all times.
5. Images and videos will only be captured in Sports Nut activities and their locations. Images and videos will never be captured in changing rooms or bathrooms.
All Sports Nut staff have undergone Safeguarding and Child Protection training, and are DBS checked. Sports Nut will only employ external photographers who have a valid DBS check.
General Policy on all images and videos
The following policy outlines how each image must be treated when used in any form;
1. Images and Videos are only used for publications, social media or our website if parental permission has been captured. Children who have opted out of Photography and Videography will have a ‘NO PHOTOGRAPHY’ item listed in their Medical Conditions which is visible in the TeacherPortal application on poolside iPads, as well as on Sports Nut customer records.
2. Images and Videos captured during coaching sessions will be deleted from devices as follows;
a. When used solely for analysis during coaching sessions, all images and videos will be deleted immediately from the device.
b. When captured for use in a marketing capacity (social media or website), images will be saved to a password protected folder and then deleted from the device.
3. Children’s full names will NOT be used in photograph captions. If a child is named in a publication, a photograph of this child will not be used.
4. Appropriateness of images will be considered before use. Activities such as swimming and athletics present a higher risk for potential misuse than others, so images of these activities will: a. focus on the activity rather than a particular child b. avoid showing the full face and body of a child – instead showing children in the water, or from the waist or shoulders up c. avoid images and camera angles that may be more prone to misinterpretation or misuse than others
5. Photographers and Videographers will never be alone with a child whilst capturing images.
Image Storage
1. Images and videos will be captured on Sports Nut devices only, with the exception of external photographers hired by Sports Nut.
2. Images captured during coaching sessions, with the intention of use for marketing purposes, will be saved to a password protected location, directly from devices. These images will then be deleted immediately from devices.
3. Images are stored categorised by activity and will not contain any child names in their Filename.
Non Sports Nut (External) Photographer Policy
If an external photographer is used by Sports Nut to capture images for marketing purposes, the following points will be adhered to;
1. Parents and children will be informed that a photographer will be in attendance
2. The photographer will wear identification at all times and be DBS checked
3. The photographer will be accompanied by a member of Sports Nut staff at all times
4. The photographer will have been provided with a clear brief about what is considered appropriate in terms of image content and their behaviour, as well as details of permitted Sports Nut activities and locations
5. The photographer will be informed about how to identify – and avoid taking images of – children without the required parental consent for photography
Concerns regarding photography/videography
If Sports Nut staff, children or parents have any concerns regarding inappropriate or intrusive photography (i.e. the way, by whom, or where photography is being undertaken), it should be raised immediately to the lead Sports Nut coach.
The children’s safety is of paramount importance to Sports Nut and we have a safeguarding procedure in place to ensure that reported concerns are dealt with in the same way as any other child-protection issue. If you have any questions or concerns you can contact our Child Protection Officer and Safeguarding Lead, in confidence, via this email address;